Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity (Unaudited) (USD $)
In Thousands |
Common Stock [Member]
Treasury - Common Stock [Member]
Additional Paid-In Capital [Member]
Retained Earnings [Member]
Balance at Jan. 31, 2015 | $ 1,247,509us-gaap_StockholdersEquity |
$ 647us-gaap_StockholdersEquity / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_CommonStockMember |
$ (9,713)us-gaap_StockholdersEquity / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_TreasuryStockMember |
$ 576,982us-gaap_StockholdersEquity / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember |
$ 679,593us-gaap_StockholdersEquity / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_RetainedEarningsMember |
Balance, Shares at Jan. 31, 2015 |
(578)us-gaap_TreasuryStockShares / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_TreasuryStockMember |
Balance, Shares at Jan. 31, 2015 |
64,762us-gaap_SharesIssued / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_CommonStockMember |
Stock options exercised and other awards | 10,154ulta_StockOptionsExercisedAndOtherAwards |
2ulta_StockOptionsExercisedAndOtherAwards / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_CommonStockMember |
10,152ulta_StockOptionsExercisedAndOtherAwards / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember |
Stock options exercised and other awards, Shares |
200ulta_StockOptionsExercisedAndOtherAwardsShares / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_CommonStockMember |
Purchase of treasury shares | (1,013)us-gaap_TreasuryStockValueAcquiredParValueMethod |
(1,013)us-gaap_TreasuryStockValueAcquiredParValueMethod / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_TreasuryStockMember |
Purchase of treasury shares, Shares |
(7)us-gaap_TreasuryStockSharesAcquired / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_TreasuryStockMember |
Net income | 66,946us-gaap_NetIncomeLoss |
66,946us-gaap_NetIncomeLoss / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_RetainedEarningsMember |
Excess tax benefits from stock-based compensation | 4,003us-gaap_AdjustmentToAdditionalPaidInCapitalIncomeTaxEffectFromShareBasedCompensationNet |
4,003us-gaap_AdjustmentToAdditionalPaidInCapitalIncomeTaxEffectFromShareBasedCompensationNet / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember |
Stock compensation charge | 3,342us-gaap_AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalSharebasedCompensationRequisiteServicePeriodRecognitionValue |
3,342us-gaap_AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalSharebasedCompensationRequisiteServicePeriodRecognitionValue / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember |
Repurchase of common shares | (27,956)us-gaap_StockRepurchasedAndRetiredDuringPeriodValue |
(2)us-gaap_StockRepurchasedAndRetiredDuringPeriodValue / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_CommonStockMember |
(27,954)us-gaap_StockRepurchasedAndRetiredDuringPeriodValue / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_RetainedEarningsMember |
Repurchase of common shares, Shares |
(192)us-gaap_StockRepurchasedAndRetiredDuringPeriodShares / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_CommonStockMember |
Balance at May. 02, 2015 | $ 1,302,985us-gaap_StockholdersEquity |
$ 647us-gaap_StockholdersEquity / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_CommonStockMember |
$ (10,726)us-gaap_StockholdersEquity / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_TreasuryStockMember |
$ 594,479us-gaap_StockholdersEquity / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember |
$ 718,585us-gaap_StockholdersEquity / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_RetainedEarningsMember |
Balance, Shares at May. 02, 2015 |
(585)us-gaap_TreasuryStockShares / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_TreasuryStockMember |
Balance, Shares at May. 02, 2015 |
64,770us-gaap_SharesIssued / us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis = us-gaap_CommonStockMember |
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- Definition
Value of stock options exercised and issuance of restricted stock awards. No definition available.
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- Definition
Number of shares of stock options exercised and issuance of restricted stock awards. No definition available.
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- Definition
This element represents the amount of recognized equity-based compensation during the period, that is, the amount recognized as expense in the income statement (or as asset if compensation is capitalized). Alternate captions include the words "stock-based compensation". Reference 1:
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- Definition
Amount of increase (decrease) in additional paid in capital (APIC) resulting from a tax benefit (deficiency) associated with an share-based compensation plan other than an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). No definition available.
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- Definition
The portion of profit or loss for the period, net of income taxes, which is attributable to the parent. Reference 1:
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- Definition
Number of shares of stock issued as of the balance sheet date, including shares that had been issued and were previously outstanding but which are now held in the treasury. Reference 1:
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- Definition
Total of all stockholders' equity (deficit) items, net of receivables from officers, directors, owners, and affiliates of the entity which are attributable to the parent. The amount of the economic entity's stockholders' equity attributable to the parent excludes the amount of stockholders' equity which is allocable to that ownership interest in subsidiary equity which is not attributable to the parent (noncontrolling interest, minority interest). This excludes temporary equity and is sometimes called permanent equity. Reference 1:
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- Definition
Number of shares that have been repurchased and retired during the period. Reference 1:
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- Definition
Equity impact of the value of stock that has been repurchased and retired during the period. The excess of the purchase price over par value can be charged against retained earnings (once the excess is fully allocated to additional paid in capital). Reference 1:
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- Definition
Number of common and preferred shares that were previously issued and that were repurchased by the issuing entity and held in treasury on the financial statement date. This stock has no voting rights and receives no dividends. Reference 1:
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- Definition
Number of shares that have been repurchased during the period and are being held in treasury. Reference 1:
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- Definition
Equity impact of the cost of common and preferred stock that were repurchased during the period. Recorded using the par value method. Reference 1: